
Pet puppies available on occasion. Contact Kim for more info.
Pet puppies sold with limited AKC to approved homes. Two year Genetic Health Warranty.
All Parents- Heart (Cardiologist) and
Eyes CERF annually
Hips and Patella OFA, DNA tested for CC/DE and EF-Clear

All pups below are placed. Thank you!
Lily and pups. 3 tricolor girls, 1 tri boy and 1 Blenheim girl and boy
Dottie’s first litter. 5 girls and 1 boy.
Ella and her pretty little Tater
Tink’s only pup. Itty Bit. August 8, 2014
We have longed for a pup from Tink for years.
She finally had her only pup and we’ve all fallen in love with her.
Itty Bit is tiny and bubbly and incredibly cute! Fortunately my parents fell in love with her too
and she will spend her days living the good life, traveling, being spoiled and getting lots of cuddles.

Lily’s pups 2014

Ella and Darwin Litter June 6, 1913
4 gorgeous pups, 2 boys and 2 girls
StoryTime’s Over the Rainbow
Lily “Riverside’s Once Upon A StoryTime” x Jiffy “Legacy Play-n-Hookey at Riverside”
born November 30
“Super excited about this baby! She is Beautiful!”
Homer and Ella’s puppies were born Sept 15, 2012
2 beautiful boys and 1 very pretty girl!
All Puppies are spoken for.
video of Ellie’s sister Piper
Video of Samantha (full sister to Ellie)
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